I never bothered to see this movie on the big screen. I didn’t even rent it when it first came to video or DVD. It was always one of those movies that looked funny, and silly, but was almost embarrassed to rent it.
Now, I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I’ve seen it, and even more so that I found it quite funny. I like Rob Schneider in most of the supporting roles he’s had, but don’t find he can support a whole movie on his own. But this movie was a great vehicle for him.
Similar to FACE/OFF and FREAKY FRIDAY, Schneider and Rachel McAdams have a chance to play each other’s roles. And both actors do this quite well, not perfectly, but very well. Nicolas Cage and John Travolta both do much better work in FACE/OFF, but we’re comparing apples to oranges here, Oscar winners/nominees to well, not (yet, you never know ... one of these days ... but not for this movie).
I laughed hard at a lot of stuff. Some of it was a little far fetched, but most of it was just plain funny. Light and lively fluff with an interesting message about how others may perceive you, a chance to examine some of the bad things you’ve done or mean choices you’ve made, and examine yourself (more in regards to the "Jessica" character).