Man, sometimes I just don’t get girls. Guys I get … girls, not so much. Guys can be mean to each other, sure. Guys can pressure one another and be bad influences on each other just like girls can. But if a guy doesn’t like you, either you know it or at least you’re not duped into thinking you’re a friend just to be humiliated and destroyed. Girls on the other hand … I just don’t get. They can turn it on, they can turn it off, all on the turn of a dime. One day you’re a best friend, the next they don’t know you exist unless it’s to take the blame. They can cry, lie through their teeth, use extreme mood swings to try to get what they want from those older. Rarely do you see teenage guys exhibit this kind of behaviour, they just end up trying to act tough or cool or dumb, and that apparently is much less effective. These thirteen year old girls do it all, not to mention steal, cheat, drink, do drugs, and flirt with promiscuity. I know it’s not limited to lower income families, but it seems to be a rampant stereotype. One thing I couldn’t wrap my brain around was the fact that these girls were supposed to be thirteen years old. They looked older (even with out the make-up and wardrobe). This movie could have been called Fifteen or Sixteen and still have been effective. Thirteen is a strange age, though. You’re old enough to truly know the difference between right and wrong, you’re very aware of that, but are still very easily swayed to the dark side because they have no concept of the potentially harmful long term effects any of their negative actions my have.
This movie reminded me of Larry Clark’s KIDS but didn’t have the brief moments of comic relief, as much as it was uncomfortable. This movie showed more of the downward spiral that can occur when naïve and impressionable teens succumb to their peers. Like I said, I know it’s not limited to lower income families, nor is it limited to troubled, complicated single-parent families … but that usually doesn’t help the situation. Abuse (physical, verbal, emotional, spiritual) and neglect often lead to rebellion. Sometimes this rebellion is simply a phase, but sometimes it isn’t.
This movie seemed quite realistic, likely based on similar experiences and/or witnessed by the writers Catherine Hardwicke, who also directed the film, and Nikki Reed. Reed plays Evie, the bad seed whom the girls want to be like and the guys drool over. Tracy (Evan Rachel Wood), in a rush to grow up and belong wants desperately to be with the “in crowd” and will go to almost any length to do so. Once in, her downward spiral continues. I never really buy anything that Evie says or does … she’s a master manipulator. Others can see it, but don’t seem to have the strength to do anything about it. What is interesting is seeing how Mason (Brady Corbett), Tracy’s slightly older brother, who at first was quite taken by Evie’s presence, quickly sees right through it and becomes annoyed with her juvenile antics. But he too has his problems. In fact, I think everyone in this film has problems.
The acting is solid, the story very poignant and revealing. It’s a must see for teenagers as well as parents of teenagers. Sometimes it takes stepping back and looking into that fishbowl to see what is really, what could really be going on. And hopefully fewer people will fall into this trap.
I know this sounds more like a sociological study than a movie review, but what can I say … the movie must have spoken to me. Well done!